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Keep Morristown-Hamblen Beautiful strives to motivate all residents of Hamblen County to make informed decisions and take everyday actions to clean up and green up our community through participation in city and county recycling programs.

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The Gift of Beauty: Keep Morristown Hamblen Beautiful rewards, preserves beauty

Citizen Tribune

Keep Morristown Hamblen Beautiful’s goal is to maintain the beauty of Morristown by educating and encouraging citizens to take an interest in their surroundings.

“The mission of KMHB is to improve and beautify our community,” Michelle Morgan of Keep Morristown Hamblen Beautiful, said. “We do that by encouraging responsible trash disposal and recycling to protect our air and water, minimizing waste, greening and beautifying our neighborhoods. We want to educate our citizens on how they can take little steps to make a big difference.”

One of the biggest projects the organization does is coming up, the beautification awards. The beautification awards celebrates individuals, businesses or organizations that take pride in the appearance of their property. Homes are judged on their gardens, decorations and curb appeal in general.

“We are not looking for gardens that are hidden at the back of the property,” Morgan said. “We are looking for something with curb appeal. After the awards are given out, people like to drive to see the properties to get ideas on how to do their own landscapes.”

The beautification awards consist of six categories including small, medium and large houses, church or school, historical structure and business.

The judges for the beautification awards are a panel of local gardening experts who have a variety of styles and gardening techniques. Some of the judges have earned the rank of Master Gardener.

“One of the things I love the most is getting to meet the people and learn their stories,” Morgan said. “I find usually the people who are awarded are so thankful because this is a newer program in Hamblen County. This is only the second year we have been doing this.”

The beautification awards offers homeowners bragging rights with a sign and the title of the best location in the category, but there is economical value in beautification as well. The tidiness and maintenance done at the homes increases the curb appeal for the neighborhood and can even encourage neighboring locations to do their own decorating.

“Every once in a while, you see a bright spot in a neighborhood,” Morgan said. “Because my property cleaned up, it spread to other neighbors. When other people take pride, it does filter out and it increases property value. There are some people who cannot financially afford fixing their home but I think community pride and being a good neighbor goes a long way.”


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