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Keep Morristown-Hamblen Beautiful strives to motivate all residents of Hamblen County to make informed decisions and take everyday actions to clean up and green up our community through participation in city and county recycling programs.

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How Stormwater Affects You

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Potentially causing flooding

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Drinking Water

Our storm drains discharge into our streams that feed nearby lakes and rivers which in turn supply our drinking water. The more we pollute in our towns and cities, the more our drinking water sources become polluted.

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Economic Costs

How You Can Help

There are many ways you can help prevent the negative impact of stormwater runnoff

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Many carcinogens, such as heavy metals that can have toxic effects on humans, are among the pollutants found in stormwater runoff. The contaminated water, carrying pathogens and harmful bacteria, can also be a source of water-borne illness.

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What is Stormwater?

Stormwater is the runoff that occurs over land, roads, parking lots, and other surfaces during and after rain events. If it rains hard enough, water cannot be absorbed into the ground and instead flows over the surface, where it picks up dirt, chemicals, sediment and other pollutants and debris and plays a large role in local water pollution.

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Utilizing a rain barrel significantly reduces runoff, which in turn helps prevent flooding and erosion. It enhances water quality by decreasing pollutants in stormwater, promotes sustainability, and supports eco-friendly practices. Additionally, it helps relieve the pressure on stormwater infrastructure. 
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By reducing the overuse and improper application of fertilizers and chemicals, we can help prevent their negative impact on stormwater runoff, improve water quality, protect aquatic ecosystems, and reduce the harmful effects of pollution on human health and the environment.
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Preventing stormwater pollution can be both straightforward and impactful with minor adjustments to our daily habits and practices. Here are some simple yet effective actions you can take to protect water quality and impact the harmful effects of stormwater runoff: wash your car on the grass, picking up pet waste, disposing of chemicals properly, and ensuring that your community remains free of debris.

Ways You Can

Ways you can
Prevent Stormwater Pollution

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Hamblen County Stormwater Department

Find out more about the Hamblen County Stormwater Department by clicking here

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Learn More About Stormwater


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Public Works Stormwater Division

Find out more about the Morristown Public Works Stormwater Division by clicking here

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Rain barrels can help manage stormwater pollution in several important ways. They act as a simple but effective tool for capturing and storing rainwater that would otherwise flow over hard surfaces like roofs, driveways, and streets, which are common sources of stormwater pollution.
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Properly managing pesticides and chemicals is essential in preventing stormwater pollution. When pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals are used improperly or in excess, rainwater can wash them off surfaces like lawns, driveways, and agricultural fields, carrying these harmful substances into storm drains and local waterways. This runoff can pollute rivers, lakes, and oceans, harming aquatic life and impacting water quality.
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Litter cleanups play a crucial role in preventing stormwater pollution. When trash such as plastic bottles, wrappers, and cigarette butts are left on streets or in parks, rain can easily wash them into storm drains. These drains often lead directly to rivers, lakes, and oceans, carrying the litter with them and polluting waterways.
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